Renter Buddy: Some Suggestions for Getting Your GED


Get your GED and improve your college and career prospects.

Disfunctional Schooling and the Need for GED Prep

I was enraged recently, at the situation described to me by a recent acquaintance. The person was asking about ways to prepare for getting his GED / high school equivalency certificate, because he was having a hard time finding a better job and was also considering college. His education was a disaster, consisting of broken down and underfunded public schools, followed really bad homeschooling. When he was old enough, he walked out of the education system. Now, out of necessity, he wants to get educated and improve his life.

Tools and Tips which Help You Learn

My friend had a really bad set of experiences in his education. I told him that he will need to find external learning resources from where he is, and start fixing his situation himself. I will share several suggestions with you, to help you in your pursuit of the GED and getting on with further education:

  1. Feynman Technique for leaning anything.
  2. Obsidian Subreddit for the best note-taking app.
  3. Note-Taking Subreddit.
  4. The Khan Academy online courses.
  5. Udemy online courses.
  6. Brilliant, learn by doing.
  7. Yale courses on YouTube.
  8. 3Blue1Brown on YouTube.
  9. GED Practice Tests.

You can do it! Get focused on the topic, drill down on the core knowledge, and do practical learning.

On the video sites, look for not only the official courses, but others, run by people who are great explainers. I re-learned calculus, went on to complex numbers, and got into the history of physics from certain people on there. While many of you may worry about math and science, consider that you may have strength in subjects like history, language, or literature. Whenever possible follow your strengths.

I will caution you to beware of and avoid the bullshitters and anti-science people out there, who do not know their topics well, but are pushing an agenda. They are more like the educators which already let you down. There's a book which can help, Light up Your Grades, written to help people learn how to learn and overcome inadequate schooling.

Bottom line, the schools are non-functional and will fail to prepare you for the future you want. You both can overcome, thanks to the good educational resources which exist.

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